Sucess Stories

Mr. Sudhansu Panda

  • Head and Neck Cancer

Hi All,Today I am driven by my satisfaction from an Oncologist and his team to write this testimony. Cancer name is enough to raise the blood pressure and glucose level in the body but my dad is already high in both and I went to DR. Sunil Agarwal and his team in SUM hospital. Many free advice poured from various people the moment we got positive open biopsy report for cancer- Go to this hospital, that hospital, this much money required..etc..etc. but I have kept my faith and believe on the doc. DR Sunil Kumar Agarwal and started taking his treatment. A long journey of 4 weeks. There are times when I was low on confidence but the team and Sunil sir is cool, calm and compose in treatment. Ensuring each and every steps as per the Surgery Rule book. I will give full credit to him and his team who treated so nicely that God has to cure my Dad. Today he is cancer free and recovering. My hands are automatically get folded to the Doc with gratitude. Thankyou sir and his team

Shyam Sundar Sahoo

  • Head and Neck cancer

Living from cancer was just next to impossible for me. It was a very scary feeling to get out of it you need strength. When I came to know about it I was so scared but I got operated and took all the possible treatments .Now I am fine and leading a normal life

Bimbadhar Barik

  • Skin Cancer

I Bimbadhar Barik diagnosed with skin cancer, it was a very difficult situation for me to cope with when I first heard about my cancer. It wasn’t easy for me to deal with it but when I met my doctor I got a moral support to fight against cancer. My treatment procedures started and it all went well. Today I am perfectly fine since 7yrs and doing my daily chores .so cancer is no more a fear if you can fight with your inner self you can deal with any disaster.

Mr Manjeet Sarpal

  • Head & Neck cancer

I have gone to several hospitals ,followed several treatments but still a small growth in my mouth was never healed .Then after suspecting I went to a cancer hospital where I was diagnosed with mouth cancer and I went for a surgery after which I am perfectly fine. so cancer is no more a threat to life.

Mr Bulu Jena

  • Cancer Anal Canal

In October 2015, after noticing blood in my stool, I had a colonoscopy and was diagnosed with anal canal cancer. My head was swinging when I heard the news. I had lots of questions. When my wife and I got back home from the doctor’s office, my whole family was there waiting for me. Then I also underwent a number of diagnostic tests and procedures, because the doctors wanted to confirm my initial diagnosis. I underwent surgery and after that I discharge from hospital with a new life.

Muna Behera

  • Testis Cancer

There was a lot of fear that came into my mind when I knew about my cancer in testis. I was very much disturbed whether I will be able to live or not but thankfully that was eliminated by my doctor. I took all the treatments and I am leading a healthy life now.

Mr Ramakrishna Jena

  • Colangio Cancinoma

Cancer is no more a fear which we get scared instead we have to stand strong to fight cancer. It was my strong will which make me able to fight this disease. I remember the first day when I knew about my cancer I was so scared that I was not sure of my treatment but when I talked to my doctor he make me understood everything, I got operated and now I am surviving since years. I am perfectly fine now.

Maleswari Panda

  • Breast Cancer

Well being a cancer patient I must say to live in this society you must fight for your own battle not to get well but for the survival of fittest. The word cancer itself creates a feeling of death; if you can overcome that you are a real hero. I am fit and fine now after getting a proper treatment so you can.

Mr Sujit Pradhan


First we wanted to say THANK you so much for all your care and treatment which you have provided to patient, Mr. Sujit Pradhan during the difficult phase of his life. We are so much happy that everything has gone right and Sujit has successfully overcome of it.

As per your instruction for the next phase of the treatment, Sujit has undergone RADIOTHERAPY and CHEMOTHERAPY at " HCG Panda Cancer Hospital". Here sorry to inform you that we were not able to meet you personally before going there as the lockdown was a big challenge for us. Now he has taken all the therapy and only 3 days left to complete the ongoing treatment (RADIOTHERAPY & CHEMOTHERAPY).

Request you to have a look into this and advise us for what needs to be done next.

Once again a big THANK you for everything.